I tried out a new dinner idea on Sunday to replace a roast and I was really pleased with how it turned out!

It was far too hot to cook a roast dinner this Sunday (you don't often hear a British person say that) so I thought I'd try something new while still getting in some lovely veggies!
We slow cooked the lamb loins for just over 2 hours on high heat which made it succulent enough. However, we did want to cook it on low so we could pop it on in the morning ready for our evening meal, but we ran out of time after running a few errands. We cooked it in with beef gravy and a tablespoon of mint sauce/jelly. We then made creamy mash by boiling the potatoes for 20 minutes and then using a whisk to mash the spuds with butter and milk. Cracking on a bit of salt and pepper and whisking in. Meanwhile we boiled the broccoli and carrots for around 15 minutes.
It was honestly so tasty and I think it works both in the summer (which we enjoyed in the garden) and a lovely winter warmer.
What do you think of this idea? Have you tried any 'Sunday Roast' alternatives?